Art Gallery Fabrics and 10″ squares
The next order of fabric is here! This time, I brought in Art Gallery Fabrics. Included in the order are Layer Cakes. What are Layer
The next order of fabric is here! This time, I brought in Art Gallery Fabrics. Included in the order are Layer Cakes. What are Layer
I am so happy to let you know that I am now selling fabric on my website. I can’t believe that the whole system is up and running. Before I get into the story, I want to let you know that there is a coupon to get 10% off your first purchase. The code is WELCOME because I wanted to welcome everyone to my site. (I know, it’s a bit cheesy).
This is it. We’re heading for home! All our pieces have been placed. Now the time has come to add the finishing touches!
There are basically three reasons for quilting your quilt:
Now for the main event! The background has been completed. Now it’s time to put our portrait together. This is the part I like to think of as fabric puzzling. You will understand what I mean in a bit.
Before we get to the nitty-gritty of putting the pieces together, let’s start with picking out fabric. My granddaughter looks pretty pale in this photo. I didn’t want her to just fade into the very light background. I chose to go with a hew of flesh tone colors that still looked natural, but that gave some extra pink to her cheeks.
The fabric layering part of the background is done. Now it’s time to give it some depth. Why start quilting before the fabric picture is
Finally! We get to play with fabric! I don’t know about you, but one of the things that I love most about quilting is fondling
I took a slight detour with my last post. I was about art quilting, but it was a different type of art quilting – fabric
I finally finished a fabric collage of a cat that I started almost a year ago. I had learned the technique from Phyllis Cullen at
After finishing “First Steps,” I thought that I would take some time to explain the process of making these types of Art Quilts. I’m starting
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