Things That Make Me Happy


There are a lot of things that make me happy. One of the most recent things that makes me happy is the quilt show thrown by the Israel Quilter’s Association. The theme of the show is Things that Make Me Happy (during Corona). It started as a virtual show on the Association’s website, but it is now showing in the Arena Mall in Herzliya. It is a beautiful location, overlooking the sea.

You don’t realize how much you miss social gatherings until they are shut down. It was so amazing to be able to go out and see other people in a public place. That makes me happy.

It was also so nice to see the amazing pieces of quilted art in person. They look nice on the website, but there is nothing like seeing them up close and personal. That makes me happy.

It was so nice being able to see other quilters that I haven’t seen in years, or only seen on Zoom, face to face. That makes me happy.

My family is incredibly supportive and came to join me at the opening. That makes me happy.

For me, the whole thing was a happy-fest!

Here’s me with my entry:

Just in case you missed it – my daughter got married at the beginning of the pandemic. At the time, gatherings were limited to 10 people. The groom’s family, who are from France, were not able to come in. It was a really hard time.

Weddings are still happy occasions, and through technology, we were able to share the wedding with people all over the world. This is a picture of the Facebook Live (we also had Zoom) of the wedding. You can’t see it in the picture, but I embroidered the real text that people were writing at the time.

Here’s a picture of the happy couple with their quilt:

Enough about me, let’s get to the rest of the quilts. The nice thing about this show is it’s actually two shows for one. The quilt guild Encounters is also being shown. Theirs is about woman. Here are some of the quilts that you can see in the Arena Gallery.

This is not the full show and these pictures don’t do them justice. Check it out for yourself in Arena in Herzliya. It will be open until May 8th. Check the top left image in the above gallery for the show’s hours. Go and see it. It will make you happy :).

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