The Midnight Quilt Show


When I grow up I want to be Angela Walters. I know, I’m older than she is, but she looks like she has so much fun quilting all day – or should I say all night? She has authored a bunch of quilting books, runs a quilting store, teaches free motion quilting classes, writes on her blog, Quilting is My Therapy, and quilts as a profession.

Besides the classes that she teaches on Craftsy. Craftsy has a series of series of videos featuring Angela doing what she does best. It’s called The Midnight Quilt Show. It’s a series of videos tutorials  that teach quilting skills – both piecing and free-motion quilting. They are a lot of fun to watch, even if you don’t make any of the quilts.

I made the quilt featured in this video:

I didn’t quilt it nearly as much as Angela quilted hers. The pattern called for 18 different colors (not including the background fabric). I didn’t feel that was necessary. I think that I used 14 colors in mine, but I may have used less. I already gave the quilt to it’s new home, so I’m not sure.

I’ve been playing a lot with using feathers lately. The are a lot of fun to quilt and they can made to be able to fit practically  anywhere.  They are a favorite of Angela’s as well. The mixture of that and straight lines really sets the quilt off.

Right now Angela is on a bit of a break from the show. I can’t wait until she starts again!

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